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Genuine products from the farm Wolfenhof

Genuine products from the farm Wolfenhof

Concerning culinary pleasures, at the farm Wolfenhof in Alta Valle Isarco / South Tyrol you will be in a place, where every day you can enjoy fresh and healthy farm products. Milk, bacon (Speck) and fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden will fill your fridge. Furthermore, we also offer a selection of premium home-made jams. The fruits come directly from our garden.

Healthy and natural – enjoy the taste of South Tyrol!

The cosy antique wood lounge (Stube)on your farm

The “Altholzstube” (rustic wood lounge) is always open to our guests. The tasteful wood paneling and floor-to-ceiling windows create an inviting ambiance that is typical of South Tyrolean farms – a place where you can feel wonderfully at home after a long day on the alpine pastures or in the mountains.

Gossensass/Colle Isarco CARD – free for our guests

Get up and get active! Our guestpass “Gossensass/Colle Isarco CARD” paves the way to an unforgettable summer holiday. Enjoy the mountains, nature and art with sports and outdoor activities or easy outings for young families: with the all-inclusive guest card, you’ll be ready for any event and you can easily reach your destination by bus or train at no extra cost.

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